Sunday, November 16, 2008


I wanna introduce AVHEY AIYASHI MARZAN FRANCO, our only darling princess. We are fond calling her PRINCESS YHESHA because she is growing to be everyone's favorite. That is due to her evident charm and wit. I am such a proud mom to see my child growing and changing very progressively. She is one-year and four months now, and she can do things beyond her age. Imagine, she knows phoenetics. She can give words starting with letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. As soon as she wakes up, we would hear her say A-A-A, (p)apple; B-B-B , butterfly; C-C-C, cat; D-D-D, dog; E-E-E, elephant; F-F-F; fish; G-G-G, goat; H-H-H, hat; and I-I-I, ice cream. She does this everyday, as if she is reviewing on her on. She is not that articulate of course, but her words are understandable! Aside from that, she knows color yellow, red, and blue. She can also count a little now. She also recognizes other things such as flowers, turtle, fish, umbrella, circle, bubbles, ball, telephone (i love hearing her say "HELLO!" she is really cute!), milk and a lot more. I bet her exposure to different things is a great aspect in her development. As early as six months, I let her watch the Brainy Baby DVDs. We do this everyday. After she takes a bath, we watch together these educational DVDs, if not i just let her listen, especially when she is busy playing. Until now we do this, it has become a part of her routine. Now, she is also fond of "reading" different books. Her favorites are colors, shapes and letters. She also loves singing and dancing. We never expected she can do all these wonderful things. And everyday, she surprises us. I remember the first word she said to me when she wants to go up on the bed.. She ardently said to me "mmm UP!" while trying to bring her legs up. (Now she can go up on the bed alone!) I am very thankful because I have the chance to witness every milestone in her life. Seeing her advance this way, I have no regrets letting go of my job and other opportunities. The full guidance I can offer to my child is now my best reward, from the career I chose and prioritize, being a mom and wife!

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